The season of poppies! They are everywhere and they are so pretty!!! So, I'm very glad to even have some on my desk in a form of a beautiful stamp! I received it from Carole and I'm truly grateful for it! Especially, that this stamp wasn't easily purchasable till a few days (weeks?) ago. Now, after all this blah blah, here's what I made with it those last days.
En premier, une carte faite avec une image tamponnée en noir sur blanc mais pas par mes soins, par ceux de Barb qui me l'a envoyée lors d'un échange de cartes. Je me suis emparée de mes crayons de couleurs et j'ai coloré tout simplement les coquelicots comme j'en ai vu dans la nature.
First comes a card I made with this image stamped black on white but not by me but by Barb who sent it to me for Deborah's CCC. I took my colored pencils and colored those poppies just as I saw them in nature.

Matériel: cdc Migros, papier artisanal Bastel Müller AG; tampons HA; encre Tsukienko; poudre à embosser Artemio; brads Doodlebug et AC; sticker SRM Stickers; crayons de couleur Caran d'Ache

Ce que j'ai trouvé assez difficile c'était de trouver l'endroit pour placer le "sentiment". Alors voici une carte sans texte mais sur laquelle je me suis essayée au coloriage sur kraft. Et franchement, j'aime!!!
What I have found very challenging with this stamp, was to find a placefor a sentiment. So here's a card with no sentiment at all. But on this one, I tried for the first time to color a stamp on kraft paper. And frankly, I love it!!!

Matériel: papiers Bazzil; tampon HA; encre Tsukienko; crayons de couleur Caran d'Ache; boutons MM; ruban

Et la denière pour aujourd'hui, toute simple, aussi colorée sur kraft. Je ne sais pas si j'ai bien trouvé l'endroit pour le texte, il faut que j'y réfléchisse encore...
And the last one for today, also colored on kraft. I'm not sur if I found the perfect sentiment spot on this one, I need to rethink this question...

Matériel: cdc Migros et Bazzil; tampons HA; encres Ranger et Tsukineko; ficelle

A bientôt avec d'autres! ;-)
More to come soon! ;-)
11 commentaires:
Beautiful cards! Such wonderful uses of that poppy stamp!
beautiful cards, Agata! love your coloring and they look stunning on kraft!! love them all!
Love your poppy cards! A friend gifted me with this stamp and I've got to play with it, too. Thanks for the great inspiration!
Love all of your versions of this Poppy stamp! Truly beautiful however you used it!
Gorgeous, Agata! I think I love the first one the best - that flourish background really goes so nicely with the poppies!
So glad you could use one of the poppy images I sent to you, Agata! These are all so different from each other and each one so beautiful!
Love all the different effects you get just from one stamp, beautiful! I don't stamp on kraft as much as I would like to...will have to more often now!
Love all versions of this stamp you used Agata! I need to play with mine some more, I've only made one card with it.
Encore et toujours de magnifiques cartes. J'adore la couleur sur le kraft !
I love what you've done here! I think my favorite is the orange card, but they are all brilliant!
J'aime beaucoup ta carte sans texte, petite question, comment tu as fait pour le ruban en vague derrière ? tu as collé deux bouts ??
A bientôt. Bises.
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