When is it for the last time that I have sticked a layout to one of the walls in our house to take a picture of it? Well, way too long!!! So here's a brand new layout about my daughter who is a real "chipie"! (I'd love to know the word in English, anyone? Wait, first let me tell you what's that about! She looks innocent but she teams up with her brother to do some mischief, when she doesn't want to sit at the table she starts hugging us, she puts plenty of cheese into her mouth and then spits it all etc etc... I wrote those things on the hidden tag.)

Matériel: papiers Bazzil, Cosmo Cricket et inconnu; alphabet et oeillet AC; tampons My Stamp Box; encres Tsukineko; perforatrice Martha Stewart; brads Master Pieces Studio; gel pen Sakura; ficelle

J'ai utilisé (et altéré) un sketch proposé sur le forum Simply Scrapping Crafts. Et j'ai utilisé la palette des couleurs d'Embellish Magazine (avec les papillons). Si vous venez par ici depuis un temps, vous savez peut-être que c'est un motif que j'utilise facilement sur les réas avec ma fille. C'est ainsi que je l'appellais alors qu'elle se trouvait dans mon ventre...
I used (and altered a bit) a sketch found on Simply Scrapping Crafts. I also used the color combo of Embellish Magazine (with butterflies). If you come here for some time already, you may remember that this is a motif I use very often on projects with my daughter. That's how I called her while she was still in my belly...
J'ai encore une carte à vous montrer. Je l'ai faite ayant en tête le défi de Suzan sur son blog Simplicity, à savoir, une carte à une seule couche mais avec des couches des tampons qui se superposent. Vous avez compris? Bon ben, la voilà:
There's yet a card I want to show you. I made thinking about Suzan's challenge she proposed on her blog. It is about making a one layer card but with layers of stamps that are overlapping. Did you understand? Well, here it is:

Matériel: cdc Migros; tampons HA et My Stamp Box; encres Ranger
Malheureusement, il y a une histoire très triste qui va avec cette carte. Une de nos cousine vient de perdre son compagnon. Ils étaient ensemble à ski en montagne et il a chuté. Puis, s'en est allé... Nos pensées vont à elle...
Unfortunately, there's a sad story that goes with this card. One of our cousins just lost her partner. They were skiing together in the mountains and he fell. And passed away... Our thoughts accompany her...
31 commentaires:
Love that layout, Agata! So fun to see your sweet adorable daughter! I think in English the word may be "sneaky" and she sounds pretty smart to me too! :) Such a pretty sympathy card. So sorry to hear the story behind it.
Ta page est superbe!! J'adore sa mise en page, les couleurs et cet envol de papillons!!
Ta carte est très douce et délicate... mais je suis désolée qu'elle soit associée à cette bien triste nouvelle...
i love love love both projects! you know i adore your simple and effective designs and these two are the best examples!! fabulous projects!! so sorry to hear about the sad story behind the card.
C'est magnifique! Drop by my blog when you get a chance.
Gorgeous layout! Wow! Such a pretty card too. So sorry to hear the news that goes with it.
Oh I just adore that layout, love everything about it.The card is beautiful,but so sorry for the reason for it!
I love your work, very inspiring
ta page et ta carte sont belles et pures.
Je suis vraiment navrée pour ta cousine, mes pensées de courage vont vers elle...
cudny, prosty, 'czysty', baardzo mi się podoba:)
Ah, your layout is wonderful, Agata! I love that term--"chipie"! I don't know what the US equivalent would be....your daughter sounds entertaining! And I love your overlapped design! It's just perfect!
Thank you for introducing me to Susan's blog. I love her challenges!
Oh what an adorable layout! You're making me want to scrap again. I've taken a two-year break (putting me three years behind...so sad!).
Your sympathy card is lovely, especially with the textured paper. You smoked the challenge, but I'm so sorry that you needed a sympathy card. My sympathy for your cousin's loss.
J'aime beaucoup ta page. Le mélange des couleur et le cercle de papier kraft qui rappelle le petit papillon de la même couleur. Un régal pour les yeux! Bravo aussi pour ta carte, le défi est bien relevé!
Toutes mes pensées accompagnent ceux touchés par ce triste départ...
Ta page et ta fille sont magnifiques...
Quant à la carte, elle est aussi très belle, mais c'est triste d'apprendre ce genre de drame. Toutes mes condoléances à ta cousine.
Both are so beautiful! So clean and crisp!
Les deux réas que tu montres ici sont absolument magnifiques...
Ton scrap même s'il est trop rare (!) semble s'enrichir de ton travail de carterie.... Bravo !
La carte est d'une pureté et d'une finesse extra. ... mais quelle pénible circonstance...
ton LO est magnifique wow!!!!! j'aime la douceur et les couleurs utilisées!!! La carte est toute simple mais a t'on besoin de plus dans un moment difficile? absoluement pas... c'Est tellement parfait!!! Bravo!!
lovely card...so sorry you needed to make this one though...
This layout is adorable!! Love it so much! And this card is fab - so sorry you had to make it though!
Ta page est superbe et j'adore ce vert ;-)
Toutes mes pensées sont avec vous
Beautiful layout! I alternate between scrapping and cardmaking. Love them both.
Your daughter is a cutie...and probably a bit of a diva. I have a granddaughter just like that! LOL!
Your card is beautiful, sorry for the loss that caused you to make a card like this.
Awesome page and card! :)
tes créations sont toujours très belles. C'est toujours un plaisir de venir sur ton blog.
Your LO is adorable Agata and your card is simply but very elegant...I just make a card for the One layer Wednesday Overlapping too...would you mind to hop to my Blog?Many thanks before hugs, Monika
Ta page est tres belle and j'adore les couleurs!!!!!!!!!
Your LO is spectacular! Great take on the challenge! So sorry to hear about your cousin. I'll be praying for your family. HUGS!
Your card is beautiful! {I love the layout, too, of course, but I came here for the card by way of the Simplicity challenge.}
Your layout is fabulous! Thanks for joining the Embellish Butterflies Color Challenge!
These are truly amazing!! LOVE them!
Congrats on making the What's Hot list for this Challenge, your layout is lovely!
Congrats on being chosen on the embellish blog for WHAT'S HOT for this challenge.. I'm there too! hugs xo CONGRATS GF.. love your work!
Congrats in making the What's Hot list on the Embellish blog with your fabulous layout! Well deserved!!
Agata, both the LO and the card are simply wonderful! Congrats on the Embellish Magazine feature :)
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